Horizontal grooves in nails: Malnutrition. Horizontal grooves on the surface of the nails, gradually moving upward as the nails grow, may indicate issues such as malnutrition, deficiency of trace elements like zinc or iron, high fever illnesses like scarlet fever, measles, mumps, pneumonia, and hyperthyroidism or pregnancy. Trauma can also lead to such grooves.
Spoon-shaped nails: Indicates thyroid issues. Spoon-shaped or "koilonychia" nails have a rough surface, a central depression, and raised edges, resembling an inverted spoon. This may indicate conditions like iron-deficiency anemia, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, skin conditions like eczema, frostbite, rheumatic fever, etc. People frequently exposed to alkaline soaps or petroleum products may also experience this.