Thyroid Cancer Soars: The "Accomplice" Action

Decreased thyroid hormone results in hypothyroidism: People may become depressed and lethargic, experiencing cold intolerance, increased sleepiness, and decreased appetite.

Therefore, if you find yourself or family members suddenly becoming:

- Easily irritable, prone to temper outbursts, feeling heat intolerance, and losing weight when eating more;

- Or experiencing prolonged emotional depression, lethargy, cold intolerance, increased sleepiness, and decreased appetite.

Then, it is crucial to promptly visit the hospital for a thyroid examination.


If you have thyroid nodules, will they develop into thyroid cancer?

Over 90% of thyroid nodules are benign, and the probability of benign nodules transforming into cancer is very low. It is recommended to undergo regular thyroid ultrasound follow-ups based on medical advice.

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