"5 Signs of Blocked Brain Blood Vessels: Act Now!"

Most individuals with cerebrovascular diseases have a history of hypertension. For hypertensive patients, how can blood pressure be lowered to prevent strokes? Hypertension is an independent risk factor for strokes. Long-term hypertension in patients is not only prone to cerebral thrombosis but also to cerebral hemorrhage. Therefore, effective prevention of strokes is crucial for controlling hypertension. The main approaches include:


1. Lifestyle Changes:

- Adopting a low-salt and low-fat diet, avoiding excessive salt intake.

- Engaging in regular physical activity to control weight.

2. Diet:

- Eating more fresh vegetables and fruits.

3. Medication:

- Using necessary medications for long-term blood pressure control.

To prevent strokes, in addition to controlling blood pressure, it is essential to quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and control blood lipids and blood sugar.

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