6 Lip Colors Reflecting Health Issues

3. Bright Red Lips: Excessive Heat  

Associated Symptoms: Sweating, facial redness, dry mouth, bitterness in the mouth, throat pain, yellow urine, and dry stools. Elevated metabolism and reduced water retention can lead to dehydration and "virtual heat," causing the skin to appear red. Individuals with red lip color generally have excessive internal heat. The redder the lips, the greater the internal heat. Dark red lip color is often associated with excess heat, while tender red lips may indicate deficient heat.

Solution: For excess heat, consume bitter melon, winter melon, pear, fig, apple, and other foods that nourish Yin and clear heat. For deficient heat, consume fern, luffa, eggplant, millet, buckwheat, watermelon, and mung beans to clear heat and reduce fire.

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