Why Do Men Spend 50,000 on Gaming but Won't Spend 5 on New Underwear?

Foreign media once conducted street interviews and found that women often buy new underwear with the change of seasons, while men on average replace their old underwear only every seven years, with some having underwear that has lasted up to ten years in their wardrobe.


Why do men tend to wear their underwear until its "worn out"?


A highly upvoted answer on Zhihu states: "The shelf life of men's underwear is only determined by how often it is seen by others. If a pair of underwear is never seen by others, it will always be new to you."


This resonates with many men: "As long as its still wearable and hidden inside, why should I spend money on something no one sees?"


Besides wanting to spend money wisely, there is another significant reason: finding a comfortable new pair of underwear is genuinely challenging.

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