3. Exercise regularly: Regular exercise is a crucial way to maintain physical health. Appropriate exercise helps alleviate fatigue and stress, increases body flexibility, and metabolic rate. Exercise also improves cardiovascular health, enhances muscle and bone strength, etc. It's important to choose suitable forms of exercise, such as running, cycling, swimming, yoga, etc., and follow a proper exercise plan.
4. Maintain a good mood: A person who is pessimistic and one with a beautiful mood every day differ significantly. Pessimistic individuals not only have poor skin, insomnia, anxiety, and more negative emotions but also tend to have a larger temper, impulsivity, and may even be prone to malignant tumors. On the other hand, individuals with a beautiful mood have stronger immunity, a more positive and upbeat mindset, and can effectively reduce the occurrence of malignant tumors. Therefore, it's crucial to learn to ease one's emotions, release stress, and keep one's mood beautiful, healthy, and relaxed every day.