Thyroid Cancer Soars: The "Accomplice" Action

For individuals with benign nodules and normal thyroid function, there are no special dietary requirements. Simply, it is advisable to consume fewer raw and spicy foods, as well as oily and pickled foods. However, the following three situations require attention:

If nodules are present along with Hashimoto's thyroiditis: It is recommended to use non-iodized salt, and high-iodine sea products such as kelp and seaweed should be consumed in moderation.

If nodules are present along with hyperthyroidism: Only non-iodized salt should be used, and high-iodine foods like kelp, seaweed, shellfish, etc., should be avoided.

If nodules are present along with hypothyroidism: Iodized salt can be used, and there is no need to be particularly concerned about other dietary aspects, or iodine supplementation can be done under the guidance of a doctor.

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