With a bit of thought, every meal can be both nutritious and delicious. Our family doesn't completely avoid high-calorie foods like ice cream; instead, we control portions and frequency, allowing ourselves to occasionally enjoy the sweetness.
03 - Appreciate the True Flavor of Foods
Takeout and restaurant foods often use excessive oil, salt, MSG, and other seasonings, compromising the original taste and nutritional value of the ingredients while adding a burden to the body.
It's advisable to learn simple cooking methods like steaming, boiling, baking, and stir-frying, preserving the original flavors of foods. Use natural seasonings like vinegar, lemon, herbs, and spices to enhance the taste and freshness.
For instance, in our family, we often use herbs and garlic for seasoning. This not only elevates the aroma and texture of the food but also helps prevent infections and inflammation. Substituting natural seasonings for salt also helps reduce sodium intake, beneficial for blood pressure control. Additionally, adding natural olive oil to foods not only provides unsaturated fatty acids beneficial for cardiovascular health but also enhances the flavor naturally.