Firstly, water is not necessarily the purer the better. Vitiligo patients should not drink pure water for extended periods. Drinking a large amount of pure water can deplete the body of trace elements, lower immunity, and make it more susceptible to various diseases. Additionally, long-term consumption of pure water can lead to calcium loss in the body, which is even more disadvantageous for elderly vitiligo patients and pregnant women. Vitiligo patients should drink water containing an appropriate amount of minerals to replenish useful trace elements in the body and increase their resistance.
Secondly, do not wait until you are thirsty to drink water. Many patients have a habit of only drinking water when they feel thirsty, but this is incorrect. Clean mineral water is a cheap and effective health product, especially in hot summers. Whether thirsty or not, it is important to adequately replenish fluids because cell metabolism relies on water. Vitiligo patients should ensure that their bodies have sufficient water to promote cell metabolism and thereby enhance their immunity.